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Read Write Inc

How do we teach Reading at Oak Tree?


At Oak Tree, we use a phonics and reading programme called Read, Write, Inc. (RWI). The Read Write Inc. programme, developed by Ruth Miskin, provides a whole-school approach to teaching literacy that creates fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers. We want to develop the skills children need to learn to read, as well as promoting a love for books and a love for reading. 

What can you do to help at home?

When reading with your child at home, try not to use the letter names but instead the sounds that the letters make. Help your child to say the sounds in the words and then read the whole word.


Watch the video below to find out more about RWI.



Parent video: What is Read Write Inc Phonics

Useful Links

There is a facebook page with updates and information:


Free e-books for home reading:

Subject on a page- phonics
