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Autumn Term 2023

Hello and a big welcome to all the new children starting in Eric Carle our reception class and our Beatrix Potter Nursery class! We have a great term planned for you and we know you are going to enjoy every minute! 

We start this term looking at 'All About Me' and some of the traditional tales and stories which we all love. We then move onto looking at some of the celebrations happening this term which include Remembrance Day, Bonfire night, Halloween and Christmas. Some of our key stories include What I like about me, Brown Bear, Brown Bear and The Jolly Postman. 

In reception our forest school now runs on a Wednesday afternoon - Welly Wednesdays and Nursery on Fridays - Forest Friday! Lots of fantastic outdoor learning will take place including making outdoor pictures, mini-beast hunts and creative activities matched to the book we are focusing on that week. 

RWI will begin for all children on the 11th September. Your child will gradually begin to bring home RWI books and a bedtime story book. Please read these with your child at least 3x per week - this makes a huge impact on their progress in reading!

PE will continue to be on a Monday afternoon. 

If you have any questions please come and see myself (Mrs Tuxford-Flory), Miss Bradbury (Nursery teacher) or one of the fabulous member of our EYFS team- we look forward to an excellent Autumn term!
