KS1 Spring Term Newsletter
Spring term Year 2 will we start with a geographical topic of Around the World which where we will be able to learn about the different continents. Exploring their traditions, food and celebrations. After half term we will have a historical topic looking at toys form the past and present.
This term we will be learning all about London! We will be looking at Kings and Queens, and the history of the Great Fire of London.
Y2 - Autumn Term Newsletter
This half-term, we are learning all about seaside's in the past. Can you think of how it is different from our seaside holidays today?
This term, we will be learning about Neil Armstrong. What do you already know?
Our Spring Term learning.
This term we will be learning about Mansfield and the legend of Robinhood
Welcome back we hope you have had a great summer.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone soon . Here are some activities you can do to start getting your child ready to return to school.